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Feature News | Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Nativity School students pray the rosary with Archbishop Wenski

As a way of celebrating the month of the Holy Rosary this October

MIAMI | October marks multiple celebrations in the Archdiocese of Miami: It's the month of Respect Life and the month of the Holy Rosary, because the feast of the Holy Rosary is Oct. 7. That is also the day the Archdiocese of Miami was established in 1958.

To mark those occasions, Archbishop Thomas Wenski decided to pray the rosary with archdiocesan school children — in three languages — and create videos of their prayers. 

On Sept. 27, 2022, staff from MariaVision taped him praying the sorrowful mysteries in Spanish with students from various grades at St. Michael the Archangel School in Miami.

A day earlier, he had prayed the joyful mysteries in Creole with third graders from St. Mary Cathedral School in Miami.

On Oct. 17 — the tapings were interrupted by Hurricane Ian — he prayed the sorrowful mysteries in English with students from Nativity School in Hollywood.

The archdiocesan Communications Office posted one of these videos during Mondays in October. Here's the last one, in English.

Feel free to join them in prayer.

Comments from readers

Donna Malchrist - 10/26/2022 12:20 PM
We all need to pray the rosary,especially now because of what is going on in Kyiv Ukraine.It is a very dangerous time for our World,Who knows what Vladimir Putin has lurking in his evil mind. At any unforgiving moment,He could choose to unleash his arsenal of biological and neuclear warfare on all of us.We need to ask God to put a extra large barrier of protection to stop the invasion of whatever could cause sickness and death.I pray for the end of this current outbreak of Covid-19.Monkeypox.and all other diseases.I pray for our President and his family,Our Vice President and her family.And everyone else.May God bless our Archbishop Thomas Wenski and all his auxiliary Bishops.And especially our beautiful country The United States of America

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