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School News | Friday, February 17, 2023

'Holy Homework' author tours archdiocesan schools

Redemptorist Father Robert “Bob” Pagliari signs copies of his "Holy Homework" book for St. Bonaventure middle school students.

Photographer: COURTESY

Redemptorist Father Robert “Bob” Pagliari signs copies of his "Holy Homework" book for St. Bonaventure middle school students.

MIAMI | Father Robert “Bob” Pagliari is not only a priest – he is the author of Holy Homework, a book he took on tour in January 2023.

Redemptorist Father Robert “Bob” Pagliari holds up a copy of his book, "Holy Homework," while autographing it for students during one of his stops at archdiocesan schools at the beginning of January 2023.

Photographer: COURTESY

Redemptorist Father Robert “Bob” Pagliari holds up a copy of his book, "Holy Homework," while autographing it for students during one of his stops at archdiocesan schools at the beginning of January 2023.

Father Bob visited five Broward middle schools – St. Coleman, St. David, St. Mark, St. Ambrose, and St. Bonaventure – to speak to audiences of middle school students and parents.

“The talk was dynamic and truly enjoyable for the schools,” said Kerry DeBonis, resource teacher at St. Bonaventure School.

Father Bob is a Redemptorist priest who has worked as a teacher, professor, editor, and writer, among many other ministries. He obtained a bachelor’s degree in philosophy and master’s degrees in speech, psychology, theology, and religious education, as well as a doctorate in communication. He has been a leader in ministering to special needs children and their parents.

“The message [of Father’s talk] was: We do homework for all aspects of our lives, but we forget to do the most important homework of all – holy homework, the most important homework,” DeBonis said.

She said “holy homework” includes “the importance of going to Mass every week”; forming good habits; having “FOG” (Faith, Optimism, and Gratitude); and “see[ing] ourselves in others.”


“He did a funny presentation where he wore sunglasses and had students look to see who they saw. They saw themselves, themselves in others,” she added.

Father Bob’s outreach was well received: He sold 600 books, 500 of which he signed.


Redemptorist Father Robert “Bob” Pagliari, wearing sunglasses to make a point, speaks to St. Bonaventure middle school students about the topic of his book, "Holy Homework."

Photographer: COURTESY

Redemptorist Father Robert “Bob” Pagliari, wearing sunglasses to make a point, speaks to St. Bonaventure middle school students about the topic of his book, "Holy Homework."

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