By Florida Catholic staff - Florida Catholic
MIAMI | Given the declining trend in COVID-19 cases in South Florida, the Archdiocese of Miami has once again updated its guidance on mask-wearing in its parishes and schools. Effective Jan. 28, 2022, masks are once again optional for:
- fully vaccinated students and parish and school staff;
- fully vaccinated faculty and staff who teach in grades 6-12;
- students with a parental consent opt-out form on file or those who fill out the consent form now;
- students and staff who have been granted medical exemptions.
Masks continue to be required:
- in the classroom for faculty and staff of grades preK through 5, unless "no child grade 5 or lower is present";
- all students who are not fully vaccinated and have not submitted the required consent forms;
- all faculty, school and parish staff, and clergy who are not fully vaccinated;
- all visitors, vendors and volunteers in parishes and schools.
"Masks are not required for anyone OUTDOORS as long as social distance can be maintained," the updated protocol states. "Social distance standards are required and are unchanged from the previously published policy (Jan. 1, 2022)."
One thing that has not changed: Masks and social distancing continue to be required at all Masses and parish gatherings, regardless of vaccination status.
Click on the image below to download the complete updated policy.