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School News | Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Arts and science take center stage at St. Agatha School

MIAMI | St. Agatha School held its annual Art and Science Soiree April 28, 2023, showcasing the amazing projects of students in pre-K2 through eighth grade.

This year’s exhibit featured students’ two and three-dimensional art, science fair and STREAM projects as well as students demonstrating their coding skills in a robotics station. Also on display were student’s winning entries from the Miami Dade County Youth Fair and an weight-bearing tests on the eighth graders’ bridge project.

The soiree even featured a guest artist and music provided by the students.

Art teacher Noemi Rodriguez and middle school science teacher Candice Delgado pose in front of the colorful sign welcoming visitors to St. Agatha School's annual Art and Science Soiree April 28, 2023.


Art teacher Noemi Rodriguez and middle school science teacher Candice Delgado pose in front of the colorful sign welcoming visitors to St. Agatha School's annual Art and Science Soiree April 28, 2023.

Comments from readers

Maria E Semper - 05/25/2023 01:07 AM
Desr St. Agatha Community: What a special evening! It is a joy to witness the talent of so many students and the hard work of the teachers and administration. It is evident the love of the teachers to the students to excel. Well done Mustangs!!
Carlota Morales - 05/25/2023 12:38 AM
Dear St. Agatha Community, What a joy it was to see all the wonderful things accomplished by all of you! I want to congratulate Mrs. Hernandez, Mrs. Parets and the teachers that daily devote the best of themselves to motivate the students! Well done ! We rejoice with this beautiful presentation Every wish for a bright tomorrow! Carlota E. Morales, Ed.D,

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