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Feature News | Thursday, May 16, 2024

A celebration of 20 years of music

20th anniversary of the Martha/Mary Concert Series

Singers, musicians, conductors, and composers joined together to celebrate with a concert 20 years of Martha/Mary concerts, April 28, 2024, at Corpus Christi Parish in Miami.

Photographer: ARACELI CANTERO | FC

Singers, musicians, conductors, and composers joined together to celebrate with a concert 20 years of Martha/Mary concerts, April 28, 2024, at Corpus Christi Parish in Miami.

MIAMI | Singers, musicians, conductors and composers, together with music lovers from different areas of Miami, came to Corpus Christi Parish to celebrate 20 years of music.

The occasion was the 20th anniversary of the Martha/Mary concerts, a dream come true of Father Federico Capdepón, who in 2005 wanted to “develop a community venue where people could come, beyond creed or language, to share beautiful experiences.” He was then pastor at St. Martha Parish in Miami Shores, where the concerts began.

Soon, other musicians such as Shelly Berg and Nestor Torres joined in with many others who took part in the Celebration Concert on April 28.

“It has been great, and I want to thank all of you,” said Father Capdepón, as he welcomed everyone at Corpus Christi, packed with music lovers from all over Miami.

Nestor Torres, a Puerto Rican jazz flutist, and Thandolwethu Mamba, an opera singer, participated in the concert celebrating 20 years of Martha/Mary concerts April 28, 2024, at Corpus Christi Parish in Miami.

Photographer: ARACELI CANTERO | FC

Nestor Torres, a Puerto Rican jazz flutist, and Thandolwethu Mamba, an opera singer, participated in the concert celebrating 20 years of Martha/Mary concerts April 28, 2024, at Corpus Christi Parish in Miami.

He thanked Father José Luis Menéndez, current pastor of Corpus Christi Parish “for hosting us. Dreams cannot be accomplished unless people who follow that dream” said Father Capdepón, recognizing Julie A.S Williamson, President and Founding Chair of the project and her husband Bob. Both received a recognition plaque from Father Menéndez, as also did other musicians.

Williamson expressed gratitude “for being here in this community that has really welcomed us in words that are hard to imagine”.

The concert brought together some of the stars of the past 20 years and dozens of volunteers, primarily from the parish, who wanted to make the people feel welcome.

The concert featured pieces by Shelly Berg, Leonard Bernstein, Nestor Torres, Shawn Crouch, J.S. Bach, Eduardo Lecuona, and Federico Moreno Torroba.

Julie A.S Williamson, President and Founding Chair of Martha/Mary concerts and her husband Bob received a recognition plaque from Father Jose Luis Menendez (left), pastor of Corpus Cristi and Father Federico Capdepon, April 28, 2024, at Corpus Christi Parish in Miami.

Photographer: ARACELI CANTERO | FC

Julie A.S Williamson, President and Founding Chair of Martha/Mary concerts and her husband Bob received a recognition plaque from Father Jose Luis Menendez (left), pastor of Corpus Cristi and Father Federico Capdepon, April 28, 2024, at Corpus Christi Parish in Miami.

The voices were: Giselle Elgarreta Rios, Julia Wooring, soprano, Thandolwenthu Mamba, baritone and Ecos del Mar Chorale.

Also playing piano were Paul Posnak and Anita Castiglione.

Honoring the name of the Martha and Mary Concerts a ‘Marta y María’ piece began with Nestor Torres reading the gospel passage of Luke (10:38-42). “The flute represents Mary, and the cello is Martha”, he said.

The grand finale had all the musicians and choir, together with everyone present, joining in the singing of “Somewhere Over the Rainbow,” by Harold Arlen.

“This is a celebration of all the talent we have,” said Brian Reedy, art teacher at Miami Arts Studio, accompanying young artists who had their exhibit at Chapel of Our Lady of La Merced, built in the Spanish Colonial style, at Corpus Christi Church in Miami.

“When you have this creativity, that is what builds the community”, he said.

Reedy was continuing the initial efforts of Tom Virgin who, already retired, was attending the concert because “this is the best music in the city, for the best price with the nicest people in the nicest place”.

Young art students from Miami Arts Studio had their exhibit at the Chapel of Our Lady of La Merced, built in the Spanish Colonial style, located at Corpus Christi Church in Miami. This exhibit followed a concert celebrating 20 years of Martha/Mary concerts April 28, 2024, at Corpus Christi Parish.

Photographer: ARACELI CANTERO | FC

Young art students from Miami Arts Studio had their exhibit at the Chapel of Our Lady of La Merced, built in the Spanish Colonial style, located at Corpus Christi Church in Miami. This exhibit followed a concert celebrating 20 years of Martha/Mary concerts April 28, 2024, at Corpus Christi Parish.

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