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Article_Three Silver Knights, eight honorable mentions for Catholic high schools

Three Silver Knights, eight honorable mentions for Catholic high schools

School News | Friday, May 22, 2015

Three Silver Knights, eight honorable mentions for Catholic high schools

Annual awards recognize excellence in academics and service among seniors

Christopher Columbus High School's Joseph Corderi, right, 2015 Silver Knight winner in business, poses with Tyler Anderson, who received an honorable mention for speech, after the awards ceremony May 20.

Photographer: COURTESY PHOTO

Christopher Columbus High School's Joseph Corderi, right, 2015 Silver Knight winner in business, poses with Tyler Anderson, who received an honorable mention for speech, after the awards ceremony May 20.

MIAMI | Two students from St. Thomas Aquinas High School in Fort Lauderdale and another from Christopher Columbus High School in Miami took home Silver Knights this year. Students from four other Catholic high schools received honorable mentions at the awards ceremony, held May 20.

The honorees were selected by a panel of judges from among hundreds of students nominated by public and private high schools in Miami-Dade and Broward counties.

The annual awards recognize “the cream of the crop” of the high school graduating classes in both counties. Students who are nominated for Silver Knights must demonstrate excellence in one of 15 academic categories along with exemplary community service.

This year’s winners � each of whom received $2,000, a Silver Knight statue and a medallion presented by American Airlines � were:

In Miami-Dade:

  • Joseph Corderi, of Christopher Columbus High School, in business. Moved by the eviction of his best friend’s family, Joseph started Suit Up Miami, which collects formal wear and donates it to homeless shelters to help those in need obtain jobs. He also volunteers with Habitat for Humanity, is an AP Scholar with Honor and won a UC Berkeley National Debate Tournament.
Margaret Schloss


Margaret Schloss

Adam Azan


Adam Azan

In Broward:

  • Margaret SchlossSt. Thomas Aquinas High School, in athletics. Margaret has been making sandwiches to feed the homeless since elementary school. Her group now delivers from than 3,000 sandwiches a month to several non-profits in Broward County. She also is a state champion in cross country, president of the student council, member of the National Honor Society and was nominated by her school for a Wendy’s High School Heisman award.
  • Adam Azan, St. Thomas Aquinas High School, in mathematics. Adam founded Bags N’ Stuff while in seventh grade. The organization collects toiletries, toys and prayer cards, packs them in new duffle bags and gives them to children entering the foster care system. He also co-founded an international charity that donates bedding supplies to Jamaica. Adam was nominated for a Wendy’s High School Heisman award, he is an AP Scholar with Honors, member of the national math honor society, and a math tutor.   

Those receiving honorable mentions � $500 and an engraved plaque � were:

In Miami-Dade:

In Broward:

  • Rachelle Jillson, Archbishop Edward A. McCarthy High School, in athletics
  • Elizabeth Carsello, St. Thomas Aquinas High School, in business  
  • Hannah Parr, St. Thomas Aquinas High School, in music and dance.

The Silver Knights have been awarded by The Miami Herald since 1959. Past winners include Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos, “Rocky” theme composer Bill Conti, former Pepsi CEO Steven Reinemund, and current U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy. 

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