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Article_Schoenstatt: 'A great harvest of souls'

Schoenstatt: 'A great harvest of souls'

Homilies | Saturday, October 18, 2014

Schoenstatt: 'A great harvest of souls'

Archbishop Wenski's homily at 100th anniversary Mass for Marian movement

Archbishop Thomas Wenski preaches the homily at the Schoenstatt 100th anniversary celebration in Homestead.


Archbishop Thomas Wenski preaches the homily at the Schoenstatt 100th anniversary celebration in Homestead.

Archbishop Thomas Wenski preached this homily at a Mass marking the 100th anniversary of the Schoenstatt movement. The Mass took place Oct. 18 on the grounds of the Schoenstatt shrine in Homestead.

Today is a day of great joy and thanksgiving for the Schoenstatt communities throughout the world � you celebrate 100 years since Father Josef Kenterich began this ecclesial movement, a movement that anticipated the "New Evangelization" called for by all the popes since the Second Vatican Council 50 years ago. 

Hoy es un día de gran júbilo, un día de Acción de Gracias para las comunidades Schoenstatt a través del mundo entero. Hoy ustedes celebran los 100 años desde que el Padre Jose Kenterich fundara este movimiento eclesial � un movimiento que anticipó en cierta manera esa Nueva Evangelización reclamada por todos los papas desde el Segundo Concilio Vaticano hace 50 anos. 

It is also fitting therefore that today the universal Church also celebrates the feast of St. Luke, the evangelist who most likely was one of those 72 whom Jesus sent out before him to announce the "good news" of the kingdom. 

Hoy también la Iglesia universal celebra la fiesta de San Lucas, que seguramente fue uno de aquel grupo de 72 que el Señor mandá a anunciar el Reino de Dios. Como San Lucas, como aquellos 72 discípulos, los miembros de las comunidades Schoenstatt han experimentado la alegría de haber anunciado el Reino de Dios ya presente. Esto lo hacen a través de un compromiso personal con el Señor � un compromiso hecho también con Maria, o sea, una alianza de amor. 

Like Luke, like those 72 disciples, the members of the Schoenstatt communities have experienced the joy of proclaiming that the Kingdom of God is at hand. You do this through a personal commitment, a personal relationship with the Lord - and you do this also with Mary, the Mother thrice admirable, through a covenant of Love. 

María nos ofrece un camino seguro hacia su hijo, Jesús: A Jesús por María. En Cuba, hace dos años, el lema que los obispos escogieron para la celebración de los 400 años del hallazgo y la presencia de la Virgen de la Caridad en Cuba fue: A Jesús por María, la caridad nos une. No pretendo saber mejor que ustedes sobre la mística de Schoenstatt, pero yo diría que esta frase bien explica lo que está al fondo de este movimiento eclesial: A Jesús por María, la caridad nos une. 

Mary offers us a sure path to her Son, Jesus: Through Mary to Jesus. In Cuba, the slogan of the bishops for the celebration of the 400th anniversary of the presence of the Virgin of Charity was simply, "A Jesús por María la caridad nos une".

I cannot pretend to know more about Schoenstatt than you who are gathered here to celebrate this anniversary, but I think that summarizes what Schoenstatt, as a movement in the Church promoting a New Evangelization, is about: A Jesús por María, la caridad nos une

Mary was close to the God � indeed the Word was made flesh of her flesh in her womb. In a world that has in many ways forgotten God, Mary shows us how to live close to God, keeping his word and meditating on it in our hearts as she did.

At a time of great darkness � when the war engulfed the world � Mary inspired Father Joseph, your founder, through the writings of St. Louis of Montfort, to rediscover, as those 72 disciples announced, that the Kingdom of God is at hand. And he was able to live in the presence of God even when he was imprisoned by the Nazis in Dachau. 

María siempre estuvo muy cerca de Dios � de hecho el Verbo Divino se hizo carne de su carne en su vientre. En un mundo que se ha olvidado de Dios, ella nos enseña cómo vivir en cercanía a Dios, guardando su Palabra y meditándola en nuestros corazones como ella hacía. 

Durante una época de mucha oscuridad � a los comienzos de la Primera Guerra Mundial� María inspiró al Padre Josef para que � a la luz de los escritos de San Luis de Montfort � el redescubriera, como anunciaron aquellos 72, que el reino de Dios ya está presente. Y esa presencia lo acompañó en los años que estuvo preso en Dachau por los Nazis durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. 

Today we give thanks that through the work of Schoenstatt communities throughout the entire world � and here as well in the Archdiocese of Miami � a great harvest of souls has been gathered for The Lord. I ask God to grant you perseverance in your efforts to spread the Gospel, to bring the good news of God's closeness to his people, to all, especially to the young, and to families. May Mary the thrice admirable � and may this chapel, a replica of the original Schoenstatt chapel � be a "beautiful place" for people to come to pray and to be led by Mary to experience the closeness of God and his love. A Jesús por María, la caridad nos une. Your mission is, always, the Covenant of Love. 

Damos gracias a Dios que la obra de Schoenstatt se ha extendido por el mundo entero, incluso aquí en la Arquidiócesis de Miami. Estos 100 años representan una gran cosecha de almas para el Señor. Que Dios les de la perseverancia en sus esfuerzos para anunciar el evangelio. Así, que Uds. traigan la buena nueva de esta cercanía a Dios, y de su amor a su pueblo, que se experimenta en esta capilla, réplica de la original. A Jesús por María, la caridad nos une. Pues la misión es la Alianza de Amor.

The Schoenstatt shrine in Homestead, seen here as Archbishop Thomas Wenski celebrates the 100th anniversary Mass, is a replica of the original one in Germany.


The Schoenstatt shrine in Homestead, seen here as Archbishop Thomas Wenski celebrates the 100th anniversary Mass, is a replica of the original one in Germany.

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