Article Published



School News | Monday, December 14, 2009

Groundbreaking at Good Shepherd School

School Brief

Miami- The Boys' and Girls' Basketball teams were on hand to witness the groundbreaking of a new basketball court at Good Shepherd School earlier this month.

�This has been much awaited for,� said Susy Del Riego, principal. The new court will also serve as a volleyball court; it was a donation to the school by the Good Shepherd Parish Men's Club.

Left to Right back row:  Coach Mary Aparicio, Athletic Director, Lauren Mitchell, Danielle Vazquez, Andrea Fundora, Victoria Muniz, Victoria DeLeon, Cristina Chaljub, Alexis Almond, Andreian Mendez, and Jonathan Fayat. Front row:  Sebastian Manrique, Marvin Sultan, Gabriel Corea, Daniel Otero-Pfaeffle, Kevin Lemus, Ian Villarmarzo, BenedettoBianchi, Katherine Roque, Monica Muniz, and Octavio J. Fernandez

Corea, Daniel Otero-Pfaeffle, Kevin Lemus, Ian Villarmarzo, Benedetto
Bianchi, Katherine Roque, Monica Muniz, and Octavio J. Fernandez

Photographer: COURTESY PHOTO

Left to Right back row: Coach Mary Aparicio, Athletic Director, Lauren Mitchell, Danielle Vazquez, Andrea Fundora, Victoria Muniz, Victoria DeLeon, Cristina Chaljub, Alexis Almond, Andreian Mendez, and Jonathan Fayat. Front row: Sebastian Manrique, Marvin Sultan, Gabriel Corea, Daniel Otero-Pfaeffle, Kevin Lemus, Ian Villarmarzo, BenedettoBianchi, Katherine Roque, Monica Muniz, and Octavio J. Fernandez Corea, Daniel Otero-Pfaeffle, Kevin Lemus, Ian Villarmarzo, Benedetto Bianchi, Katherine Roque, Monica Muniz, and Octavio J. Fernandez

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