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Feature News | Monday, November 25, 2024

#iGiveCatholic kicks off the charitable season

Your support can help the Archdiocese of Miami's churches, schools, ministries, and charities

MIAMI | #iGiveCatholic on Giving Tuesday, December 3, is the Catholic Church's annual day of giving in the United States and a worldwide day dedicated to generosity and kindness.

On this day, parishes, schools and ministries raise funds for specific projects or unrestricted purposes.


In the Archdiocese of Miami, 70 organizations are participating in #iGiveCatholic 2024, including churches, schools, Respect Life ministries, Catholic cemeteries and charitable groups. Funds raised will go to a variety of causes, from restoring the basketball court at Blessed Trinity School to providing health care to the uninsured at St. John Bosco Clinic to providing critical assistance to migrants through Catholic Legal Services.

To donate, go to and select the Archdiocese of Miami and then the organization you would like to support. The early giving period began Nov. 18 and will continue through midnight Dec. 3. Offline gifts of cash or checks can be collected and added to the campaign total through Dec. 10.

“#iGiveCatholic kicks off the charitable season and brings the Catholic community together to ‘Give Thanks, Give Back and Give Catholic…Together let us do the Lord’s work and build his kingdom,” said Katie Blanco Bourdeau, cabinet secretary of stewardship, development and communications at the Archdiocese of Miami, in a letter to archdiocesan Catholic organizations.

Since 2015, #iGiveCatholic has inspired faithful stewards to support Catholic organizations on Giving Tuesday, the day after Thanksgiving. Giving Tuesday was established in 2012 as a philanthropic complement to the shopping frenzy of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Nationwide, it raised more than $20 million in 2023 for 1,870 organizations in 50 dioceses across the United States.

For more information contact Xiomara Necuze at [email protected] or 305-762-1054.

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