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Feature News | Saturday, February 13, 2021

Archbishop Wenski's message to married couples

Marking this year's celebration of National Marriage Week and World Marriage Day, Feb. 14


MIAMI | Every year from Feb. 7 to 14, the U.S. celebrates National Marriage Week and World Marriage Day, Feb. 14. The week is dedicated to celebrating and supporting marriages.

Normally, the Archdiocese of Miami celebrates a Mass this weekend to honor married couples marking one year, 25, 50 or more years of sacramental marriage. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic made that impossible this year, so Archbishop Thomas Wenski recorded a special message for married couples.

The theme of National Marriage Week for 2021 is "To Have, To Hold, To Honor."

Couples marking wedding anniversaries this year, who registered in their parishes for the annual Mass, will receive a certificate via the mail honoring them and their marriage.

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