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School News | Friday, October 28, 2016

At St. Bonaventure School, even the tooth fairy chooses life

Students take part in annual 'baby bottle' campaign for Respect Life

St. Bonaventure first grader Danika Talbert, who donated her tooth fairy money to the baby bottle campaign, poses with Joseph and Ximena Terneus, far left and right, respect life representatives for the parish. Also with them is St. Bonaventure resource teacher and National Junior Honor Society advisor, Stella DiBattista.

Photographer: COURTESY PHOTO

St. Bonaventure first grader Danika Talbert, who donated her tooth fairy money to the baby bottle campaign, poses with Joseph and Ximena Terneus, far left and right, respect life representatives for the parish. Also with them is St. Bonaventure resource teacher and National Junior Honor Society advisor, Stella DiBattista.

View of some of the baby bottles filled with coins and currently donated by St. Bonaventure School students to benefit Respect Life Ministry.

Photographer: COURTESY PHOTO

View of some of the baby bottles filled with coins and currently donated by St. Bonaventure School students to benefit Respect Life Ministry.

Joseph and Ximena Terneus, far left, respect life representatives for St. Bonaventure Parish, pose with the officers of St. Bonaventure School's National Junior Honor Society, which led the baby bottle campaign. From left: Kamila Trigueros, Romina Valerio, Francesca Zaccor, and Lily-Rose Sheedy, as well as resource teacher Stella DiBattista, the NJHS adviser.

Photographer: COURTESY PHOTO

Joseph and Ximena Terneus, far left, respect life representatives for St. Bonaventure Parish, pose with the officers of St. Bonaventure School's National Junior Honor Society, which led the baby bottle campaign. From left: Kamila Trigueros, Romina Valerio, Francesca Zaccor, and Lily-Rose Sheedy, as well as resource teacher Stella DiBattista, the NJHS adviser.

DAVIE | Nothing is too little when it comes to saving lives.

St. Bonaventure School first grader Danika Talbert proved that when she stuffed all her tooth fairy money into a baby bottle to help the archdiocesan Respect Life Ministry. "Others needed it more than I did," she explained.

This is the second consecutive year St. Bonaventure students take part in the Respect Life’s “Fill a Bottle, Save a Life” campaign, which coincides with the observance of Respect Life Month in October.

Last year, the students collected more than $6,000. This year, they filled over six boxes worth of baby bottles with coins and currency. Respect Life volunteers are still adding up the total.

The effort was spearheaded by middle school students who are members of St. Bonaventure’s National Junior Honor Society. The NJHS members prepared a video campaign to encourage their fellow students to fill the baby bottles with coins and currency.

The students were made aware that their contributions make a difference in helping mothers give the gift of life to their children. They also were reminded that this is one way of putting into action Catholic social teaching on the life and dignity of the human person.  

The filled baby bottles were presented Oct. 20 to Joseph and Ximena Terneus, parish representatives of the Respect Life Ministry. St. Bonaventure students hope the amount collected this year will surpass last year's total.

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