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Breaking News | Friday, December 05, 2014

OBITUARY: Jesuit Father Juan Dorta-Duque, 92

Played key role in forming Belen Jesuit Alumni Association

Jesuit Father Juan M. Duque-Dorta: Born Sept. 23, 1922; ordained Sept. 8, 1955; arrived in Miami in 1967; died Dec. 5, 2014 at age 92.


Jesuit Father Juan M. Duque-Dorta: Born Sept. 23, 1922; ordained Sept. 8, 1955; arrived in Miami in 1967; died Dec. 5, 2014 at age 92.

MIAMI | With great sadness, Belen Jesuit Preparatory School announces the death of Jesuit Father Juan M. Dorta-Duque, a graduate of the class of 1940 from El Colegio de Belén in Havana, Cuba, former professor, and former director of the Belen Alumni Association of Jesuit Schools from Cuba and Miami. 

“He lived a long life, 92 years, and was an inspiration to so many,” said Jesuit Father Pedro Suarez, Belen's president. “Through his leadership our alumni were able to connect from wherever they are in the world, and their bond of brotherhood was strengthened. As a Jesuit he was a true representation of ‘men for others’ and his vocation has driven generations of laity and religious in the Ignatian spirit. Let us pray for his eternal rest in God’s Kingdom.”

The viewing will be held from 5-10 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 7 at the Saladrigas Gallery. Archbishop Thomas Wenksi will be the main celebrant of the funeral Mass on Tuesday, Dec. 9 at 4 p.m. in the Roberto Goizueta Athletic Center.

The Saladrigas Gallery and the Roberto Goizueta Athletic Center are located on the Belen campus, 500 S.W. 127 Ave., Miami.

Following the Mass, Father Dorta-Duque will be buried at Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Cemetery in Doral.

“Father Dorta-Duque, S.J., was more than just a priest, he was a pillar, a true leader that helped mold the Alumni Association into what it is today and will be forever remembered as a legacy among alumni,” said Mariano Loret de Mola, Alumni Association director. “Everyone respected, admired and loved him and he will be missed. May he rest in peace.”

The following is an excerpt from “Men for Others: The Belen Jesuit Story” by Zeida C. Sardiñas.

"In early 1968, Fr. Dorta-Duque, S.J., began his work in Miami with the goal of strengthening the Asociación de Antiguos Alumnos de los Padres Jesuitas de Cuba or Belen Alumni Association of Jesuit Schools from Cuba and Miami. As an initial step, Fr. Dorta-Duque compiled a list of alumni, the majority of whom were in Miami. Others were scattered throughout the United States, Puerto Rico, Latin America, Europe, and even Asia.

"Fr. Juan M. Dorta-Duque, S.J. began making visits to alumni throughout the world almost immediately after his arrival. He visited alumni and coordinated reunions in Jacksonville, Washington D.C., New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Denver, Tucson, St. Louis, Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, Baton Rouge, New Orleans, Boston, and Puerto Rico. He also traveled throughout the years as far away as Europe and Latin America in search of establishing vital links with Belen alumni. Fr. Dorta-Duque also held spiritual retreats based on St. Ignatius of Loyola’s Spiritual Exercises, Masses, weddings, baptisms, and conferences about religious topics for alumni not only in Miami, but also wherever else he traveled to visit them."

Comments from readers

Fr. Hernan F. Paredes, S.J. - 12/05/2014 10:58 PM
Jesuit Community @ Belen, I write these lines with great sadness. Fr. Dorta was not only a great Jesuit but an example of what a Jesuit should be. That is, a man that was always available to the mission that the Society of Jesus wanted to give him. Fr. Dorta gave his first years of service as a priest in my country, Ecuador. He was beloved among his Jesuits brothers at the main Jesuit Residence where he was the Superior as well as among the scholastics of Colegio San Gregorio where Fr. Dorta served as a teacher. May Fr. Dorta Duque rest in peace. Reciban mis condolencias a nombre de los Jesuitas de Ecuador. Siempre estremos agradecidos su servicio sacerdotal en los a�os de mayor esplendor de nuestra Provincia. R.I.P.

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