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Feature News | Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Coptic bishop: World leaders ignoring anti-Christian violence in Egypt

Urges Fort Lauderdale listeners to write to elected officials, support rebuilding efforts

FORT LAUDERDALE | Christians are the main targets of the current wave of violence in Egypt � including killings, church burnings and the vandalism of Christian businesses � according to an Egyptian bishop who spoke in Fort Lauderdale Aug. 25.

"What is happening in Egypt could spread," said Bishop Youssef, whose Southern Orthodox Diocese takes in 11 U.S. states. He spoke to an interfaith crowd of 220 at Christ Lutheran Church. "Political leaders fight terrorism around the world; they must support freedom in Egypt. Hate crimes are not acceptable anywhere, anytime."

Coptic Bishop Youssef, who leads a diocese that encompasses 11 states in the southern U.S., spoke about the anti-Christian violence in Egypt during a stop at Christ Lutheran Church in Fort Lauderdale Aug. 25.

Photographer: JIM DAVIS | FC

Coptic Bishop Youssef, who leads a diocese that encompasses 11 states in the southern U.S., spoke about the anti-Christian violence in Egypt during a stop at Christ Lutheran Church in Fort Lauderdale Aug. 25.

Copts, the ancient indigenous Christian church in Egypt, make up 10 percent of the population there. Since the overthrow of President Mohamed Morsi in July, demonstrations and violence have spilled over onto Christian targets. Nearly 100 churches have been attacked, at least 84 just on the week of Aug. 14, Bishop Youssef said. Other targets have been schools, orphanages businesses and individual Copts.

Most news reports have focused on street demonstrations by the Muslim Brotherhood, which fielded Morsi as its presidential candidate. But Bishop Youssef named the Brotherhood as the root of terrorism in Egypt, even accusing the group of cooperating with the Gaza-based Hamas.

The bishop declined to blame Islam in general, saying that most Egyptian Muslims stand with the Copts and against violence. "Islam does not teach that. Only fanatics and terrorists."

He urged his listeners to write government officials on behalf of Copts. He also said that churches and Christian businesses need aid to rebuild. People could donate to the Copts' diocesan website, he said.

"What are we asking for?" Bishop Youssef asked, then answered his own question: "Peace, justice, equality, human rights, economic progress. And a future without fear."

Despite his appeal for political and monetary aid, the bishop maintained that his church relies first on divine help.

"Our hope is in God Almighty," Bishop Youssef said. "We will never deny our Christianity. Even if they kill us every day."

Although most of his listeners appeared to be from South Florida's three Coptic churches, they included Lutherans in the host church, where Pastor Paul Schweinler said his congregation has already been praying for the Copts for two years.

Also at the meeting were Catholic leaders. They included Father Bob Tywoniak, pastor of neighboring Blessed Sacrament Church, and Father Patrick O'Neill, director of ecumenical and interfaith relations for the archdiocese, who was representing Archbishop Thomas Wenski.

The Coptic Orthodox Church is not in communion with Rome but Coptic Catholics also are present in Egypt, led by the patriarch of Alexandria. Pope Francis lamented the violence and loss of life in Egypt after his Angelus prayer Aug. 15. The U.S. bishops' Committee on International Justice and Peace also issued a letter Aug. 23 calling on Secretary of State John Kerry to press for an end to the violence.

"The destruction of Christian churches and the targeting of Christians are unacceptable," said the letter, signed by Bishop Richard E. Pates, chairman of the committee. "Our nation should find ways to support and encourage respect for human rights, religious freedom, and the building of an inclusive democracy."

At Sunday�s meeting in Fort Lauderdale, however, it was Kamruz Hossein, representing the interfaith organization JAM & All, who drew applause second only to Bishop Youssef himself.

"I am a Muslim and I stand beside you," Hossein told the bishop. He also read a decree from the prophet Muhammad in 628 A.D., ordering Muslims to respect and protect Christians under their rule.

"No one is to destroy a house of their religion (or) to damage it," Hossein read from Muhammad's statement. "They are my allies and have my secure charter."

Fort Lauderdale was the second stop in Bishop Youssef's speaking tour on the Egyptian situation, after New York. He is due in Gainesville on Sept. 14, then New Port Richey the next day, both in Florida. Some of his priests in other cities have also held public forums, he said.

He drew hope from the inclusiveness of the Fort Lauderdale meeting, he said in an interview afterward. "When I see people come together like this, it gives me confidence and love. There are still a lot of good people."

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