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School News | Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Remembering his alma mater

In his will, Father Ronald Pusak leaves $50,000 to St. Mary Cathedral School

Father Ronald Pusak remembered his alma mater, St. Mary Cathedral School, in his will.

Photographer: FILE PHOTO

Father Ronald Pusak remembered his alma mater, St. Mary Cathedral School, in his will.

MIAMI | St. Mary Cathedral School got a great Christmas gift: a $50,000 donation from the estate of an archdiocesan priest who had gone to school there.

Father Ronald Pusak, ordained for the Archdiocese of Miami in 1961, graduated from St. Mary�s High School � now an elementary school � in 1952. He died Jan. 12, 2012 at age 77, after 50 years of priesthood. In his will, he remembered his alma mater � and unknowingly honored not just the school but the cathedral�s new rector, who was appointed after Father Pusak�s death.

�Father Pusak was my friend from the time that he was in residence at St. John Vianney College Seminary,� said Father Christopher Marino, who was named rector of the cathedral parish in July of last year. �He was my spiritual director that year and we also continued to go out for dinner and fishing together through the years. He was a good priest and fine friend. Now he continues to do good through this thoughtful and well-thought gift. I hope that others will follow this good example of stewardship.�

The money will be used �to continue to provide quality education to our students� and meet the school�s financial obligations, said Sister Michelle Fernandez of the Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary, interim principal of St. Mary�s. 

She never met Father Pusak but attended his funeral along with some of the school children.

�This donation is very special because it is from a priest that was an alumni and never forgot the gift received and would like others to benefit from the gift received,� she said. �I hope others would be inspired from his example so that our inner city school can continue to provide the great gift of a quality Catholic education to our students.�

�It is an admirable thing for one of our priests to be so generous,� said Sister Elizabeth Worley, archdiocesan chancellor for administration. She noted that planned giving � what Father Pusak did � �is a great opportunity� to help archdiocesan parishes and schools.

Anyone interested in including an archdiocesan entity in any form of planned giving should contact the Development Office, 305-762-1110 or [email protected]

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