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Feature News | Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Mass to go

Travelers, employees, archdiocesan faithful attend first-ever Mass at MIA

Father Robert Cid of Radio Paz and St. Patrick Parish in Miami Beach, celebrated the Mass, aided by Deacons Dennis Jordan, far left, and Tony Perez, center. Deacon Jordan, of Blessed Trinity Parish in Miami Springs, serves as chaplain at Miami International Airport. Deacon Perez serves at Corpus Christi Parish in Miami.

Photographer: ANNE DIBERNARDO | FC

Father Robert Cid of Radio Paz and St. Patrick Parish in Miami Beach, celebrated the Mass, aided by Deacons Dennis Jordan, far left, and Tony Perez, center. Deacon Jordan, of Blessed Trinity Parish in Miami Springs, serves as chaplain at Miami International Airport. Deacon Perez serves at Corpus Christi Parish in Miami.

Father Robert Cid of Radio Paz and St. Patrick Parish in Miami Beach, preaches an abbreviated homily during the Mass, for the benefit of airport employees who are on a meal break and travelers who might have to catch flights.

Photographer: ANNE DIBERNARDO | FC

Father Robert Cid of Radio Paz and St. Patrick Parish in Miami Beach, preaches an abbreviated homily during the Mass, for the benefit of airport employees who are on a meal break and travelers who might have to catch flights.

MIAMI | Airports usually conjure up images of people swiftly moving through ticket counters and kiosks in an effort to get to their next stop. Now there is an alternative to the hustle and bustle — a spiritual oasis for those seeking Jesus Christ.

Situated on the fourth level of Concourse D at Miami International Airport is an interdenominational chapel for commuters and employees, or anyone who would like to take part in weekly Mass at the airport.

Father Roberto Cid, pastor of St. Patrick Parish in Miami Beach, unpacked a "portable Mass kit" at the chapel the evening of Aug. 18. The kit contained all the necessary items — including a crucifix and candles — for celebrating the first weekly Mass to be offered by the archdiocese at the airport. Father Cid was aided by Deacon Dennis Jordan of Blessed Trinity Parish in Miami Springs, who serves as chaplain at MIA, and Deacon Tony Perez of Corpus Christi Parish in Miami. Even Blessed Trinity's cantor, Salvatore Rendina, was on hand with his portable keyboard in tote.

Father Roberto Cid distributes Communion during the Mass.

Photographer: ANNE DIBERNARDO | FC

Father Roberto Cid distributes Communion during the Mass.

About 13 people attended the Sunday vigil Mass, which will be celebrated each Saturday at 7 p.m. Most of the participants were members of the faithful who were eager to show their support for the new initiative. Father Cid said the archdiocese hopes to draw commuters and airport employees who might not otherwise have the opportunity to fulfill their Sunday obligation due to conflicting work schedules.

The goal of having Mass at the airport is "to remind people that no matter where they are, Christ is present, and there is the Church, loving them and at their service, ever close to them in order to accompany them on their journey of life," Father Cid said.

"In a globalized world where many are traveling, it is easy for one to be forgetful of the fact that one is not a stranger, but part of our family of humans, which is our family," said the priest, who also serves as general director of Radio Paz, the archdiocesan radio station. "There cannot be any stronger presence than the Holy Mass."

Sensitive to the possibility that some people may have to catch a flight, Father Cid preached an abbreviated homily. The weekly Mass is expected to last approximately 45 minutes, depending on whether or not people need to rush off to catch a flight.

One stranded passenger who took comfort in the chapel was Barrington Blake. He was heading home to Brooklyn, N.Y. but his trip was delayed. Instead of roaming around the busy airport, he looked for the chapel and took part in the first Mass.

Another attendee was Juan Carlos Prado of St. Katherine Drexel Parish in Weston. "I found the opportunity to come to Mass at the airport on Saturday because I wanted to experience how Mass would be with different people," he said. "It was good to talk after the Mass to find out others' experience, where they are going."

Prado added that he believes the Mass will be better attended once more people find out about it.  

The weekly Mass will be publicized by an announcement made through the airport P.A. system prior to Mass, as well as through emails to employees, and a note to airlines and concession partners, explained Marc T. Henderson, media relations manager for the Miami-Dade Aviation Department.

Henderson said he considered the first Mass a success, and he wants employees to know that once they get off work or are on a break, they are welcome to stop by the chapel.

Participants at the first Mass at Miami International Airport exchange the sign of peace.

Photographer: ANNE DIBERNARDO | FC

Participants at the first Mass at Miami International Airport exchange the sign of peace.

Comments from readers

paulette - 08/29/2012 11:47 AM
I smiled when I saw this. Great!!!! Wonderful... When can we expect it at Ft Lauderdale..... I can hope!
Steve - 08/23/2012 12:06 AM
"...and airport employees who might not otherwise have the opportunity to fulfill their Sunday obligation due to conflicting work schedules."

Therein lies the real benifit of this Mass...those employees that find themselves with very little time on Sundays to be able to celebrate Mass. Also the airport is a cold, loud enviroment and The Mass is a wonderful way to quiet your mind and feed your soul. I pray that it is utilized by airline employees and travelers.

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