By Natalie Therese Venedicto - St. Kevin Catholic School
MIAMI - St. Kevin Catholic School has celebrated a myriad of events in the month of October:
Pilgrim Virgin
In honor of the month of the rosary, each classroom at St. Kevin School has received a special visit from a pilgrim statue of the Virgin Mary. The statue of Mary is brought in a procession to a different class each morning and she remains there throughout the day. The children then have an opportunity to pray to our Blessed Mother and ask her to intercede for their petitions.
Academic Olympics
On Oct. 3, St. Kevinstudents participated in the Academic Olympics at St. Brendan High School. There were 18 students from the school representing different subject areas. After earning seven medals, including five gold, one silver and one bronze, St. Kevin Catholic School won first place among all the other archdiocesan schools.
Pet Parade
On Oct. 4, the school celebrated the blessing of the animals in honor of the feast of St. Francis of Assisi. Parents, grandparents, and students paraded around the track with their animals while listening to classical music. Among the animals in the parade were turtles, ferrets, dogs, cats, and fish. After the parade, pets and their owners met St. Kevin's pastor, Father Jesus Salda�a, at the basketball court, where he said a special blessing for all animals. After the blessing, each animal was individually sprinkled with Holy Water as they exited the school grounds.