Article Published



Feature News | Thursday, December 09, 2010

City of God: Father Juan Sosa

"Building the City of God" is a series of priest profiles published regularly in the Miami edition of The Florida Catholic newspaper (the first one appeared in March, 2003.)


To read the profiles of other diocesan priests that have been featured in "Building the City of God� click here.

Comments from readers

Bishop Estevez - 12/22/2010 05:49 PM
Last Monday we had a mass for Msgr. Brian Walsh and the Pedro Pans who have died.
I asked fr. Sosa and he readily accepted. It was a model homily for he is a very talented preacher. I am so glad to know in this interview that Msgr. Brian Walsh had been such an inspiration for his priestly call. I remember listening to Msgr. Walsh boast for the number of us who had chosen this ministry.
mari tuccitto - 12/20/2010 11:41 PM
How wonderful to see such a lovely article about Father Sosa. He is truly a unique individual who brings spiritual enlightment everywhere he goes. Not only were we part of his flock at St. James but we were blessed to be married by him. Father Sosa - the Tuccitto family loves you! We'll visit you soon at St. Joseph. Muchos besos....Mari & Michael
Carl Hubbell - 12/16/2010 08:38 PM
I was just checking the Archdiocese web page and read about Bishop Noonan
and then came upon your feature article. It brought back many memories
of you both. Carole and I are doing well up here in North Carolina. Come up and see
us sometime.
Deacon Carl
Betty Fleishman - 12/11/2010 04:21 PM
I am so glad Father Sosa is being honored. He was a great parish priest at St. James. My family and I love him dearly. Saludos Padre Sosa from the Mexican family in 1986. Karen Valenzuela went to St. James three years. In fact, she worked at the Rectory with Rhea. SER GUADALUPANO ES LO ESENCIAL!!! Bendiciones, Betty and family, Rolando, Dianna and Karen.

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