June 27, 2024

Chapter four: Love in marriage. Violence and manipulation.

Saint John Paul II very subtly warned that a couple can be “threatened by insatiability.”

In other words, while called to an increasingly profound union, they can risk effacing their differences and the rightful distance between the two. For each possesses his or her own proper and inalienable dignity. When reciprocal belonging turns into domination, “the structure of communion in interpersonal relations is essentially changed.”

It is part of the mentality of domination that those who dominate end up negating their own dignity. Ultimately, they no longer “identify themselves subjectively with their own body,” because they take away its deepest meaning. They end up using sex as a form of escapism and renounce the beauty of conjugal union.

(For simplified reading, footnotes have been removed. The entire document can be downloaded here: bit.ly/MIA_AmorisLaetitia)