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Article_Statement by Archbishop Thomas Wenski on the Orlando shooting

Statement by Archbishop Thomas Wenski on the Orlando shooting

Statements | Sunday, June 12, 2016

Statement by Archbishop Thomas Wenski on the Orlando shooting

The tragic events in Orlando early Sunday morning sadden and shock us all. We pray for the victims, their families and our entire nation. Hatred blinded the conscience of the perpetrator of these horrible acts, acts no one must be allowed to excuse or justify. The survival of civilization demands zero tolerance towards such acts of barbarism. Hate-inspired terrorism is still a clear and present danger in our world. 

Even as we mourn those who died in Orlando and even as news of violence and terrorism bombard us daily, we can never allow ourselves to get used to violence and the shedding of innocent blood. 

Comments from readers

Br. Raphael Mieszala - 06/12/2016 05:55 PM
Thank you, Archbishop. You are right. We must always keep in mind Jesus' message to love one another. We Brothers will keep all of the victims and their loved ones in prayer.
Rose Anderson - 06/12/2016 04:04 PM

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