Article Published



Statements | Saturday, November 26, 2016

Statement of Archbishop Thomas Wenski on the death of Fidel Castro

English Spanish

In the Old Testament Book of Ecclesiastes, we read: “...both the just and the wicked God will judge, since a time is set for every affair and for every work.” (Ecclesiastes 3:17) Fidel Castro has died. Now he awaits the judgment of God who is merciful but also just. His death provokes many emotions � both in and outside the island. Nevertheless, beyond all possible emotions, the passing of this figure should lead us to invoke the patroness of Cuba, the Virgen of Charity, asking for peace for Cuba and its people.

“To Jesus through Mary, Charity unites us.” May Holy Mary, Our Lady of Charity, hear her people’s prayers and hasten for Cuba the hour of its reconciliation in truth, accompanied by freedom and justice. May, through the intercession of the “Virgen Mambisa,” the Cuban people know how to traverse that narrow road between fear which gives in to evil and violence, which under the illusion of fighting evil only makes it worse. “Our Lady of Charity, cover us with your mantle.”

Comments from readers

Mattie Ramudo - 12/02/2016 03:56 PM
Your Excellency: Thank you for such beautiful comments that sooth our hearts and for taking the opportunity to help us to keep our eyes on the Kingdom. Happy are those that have not hated and avenged but rather tried to accept the will of the Father just our loving Lord Jesus did on the Cross for our redemption. God bless you.
Marta Soto - 11/28/2016 05:32 PM
Thank you dear Archbishop Wenski for your wise and compassionate words. Perhaps now is the time for all Cubans to kneel and ask Our Lady for the conversion of those leaders whose defiance, arrogance, and selfishness have held an entire nation in Calvary for 57 years. It is time for conversion in Christ our Lord, forgiveness, and change for the good of all Cubans, and Cuba, and for the glory of Almighty God. Come Holy Spirit, pray for Cuba holy Mother of God, in Jesus name, I pray, Amen.
Arturo Lopez Llorens - 11/27/2016 05:21 PM
Monsenor,respeto las opiniones de mi Iglesia Catolica,respecto a la muerte de un ser humano,pero Fidel Castro no fue un ser humano.fue una vil HIENA y como tal debio de morir. No es posible interceder ante Dios por el alma de esta BESTIA que oprimio y desbarato la familia cubana en aras de su bestialidad,sin con esto ofendo a mi DIOS,le pido a Ud. que interceda con para que me perdone. Laverdad es la verdad,pero solo Dios tiene un alma tan misericordiosa. El que esta con DIOS nada temen.
Rafael M. Calvo Forte - 11/27/2016 08:25 AM
Gracias, Monse�or, por este oportun�simo y prudente mensaje! Soy cubano y llevo el dolor muy dentro; pero no puedo odiar ni alegrarme de la muerte de nadie. Espero la liberaci�n de mi pueblo?
Ruben Zamora - 11/26/2016 12:25 PM
Absolutely shocked and disgusted on the official comments from the Pontiff on Fidel Castro. This is very disturbing for any Catholic such as I told see this especially after all my family suffered under Castro's terror. This is what is wrong with the church today. Mercy is one thing but this is just disgusting.
Ana - 11/26/2016 10:00 AM
Thank you !

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