Article Published



Statements | Friday, June 26, 2015

Statement by Archbishop Wenski on Supreme Court's decision on same-sex marriage

English Spanish

Miami�(June 26, 2015)The decision of the Supreme Court redefining marriage as merely an affective union between two people of any sex was disappointing if not unexpected.  As the minority of the judges said in their dissent, “The majority’s decision is an act of will, not legal judgment.” This is simply a wrong, mistaken decision.  Of course, this is not the first time the Supreme Court got it wrong.  

In the 19th Century, in the Dred Scott decision, the Court decided that a black man had no rights that a white person had to respect. In the 20th Century, the Court decided in Roe v. Wade that a baby could be killed in her mother’s womb at any time before birth. And now in the 21st Century, the Supreme Court makes another wrong decision. 

Bad decisions lead to bad consequences and do not “settle” anything. Dred Scott made inevitable a bloody Civil War that cost more lives than any other war in our history and the racism that inspired the Dred Scott decision is still a cancer on America’s soul.  

Roe v. Wade has resulted in more than 50 million abortions.  Yet, abortion still troubles the conscience of America and an increasing majority of Americans reject “abortion on demand”.  

This decision redefining marriage will also bring bad consequences. Losing the understanding of marriage in our culture as a conjugal union of a man and a woman in a permanent and exclusive commitment conducive to welcoming and raising the children born from such a union weakens the family as the basic cell of society; and it imperils the human flourishing of future generations. Allowing “an act of the will” to be substituted for “legal judgment” is a recipe for tyranny. 

The Archdiocese of Miami
Twitter: @CatholicMiami
Facebook: /ArchdioceseofMiami 

Media contact: Juan A. Di Prado, Media Coordinator, at (305)762-1046 [email protected], or Mary Ross Agosta, Director of Communications, at (305)762-1043 [email protected].                                                                             


Comments from readers

Christopher - 06/29/2015 04:52 PM
Thank you for your statement Archbishop. I think we need to hear more about this in our parishes We need to know how to deal with this issue with family members, coworkers and friends who attack us as bigots if we do not support gay marriage. What is a Catholic to do if invited to a gay marriage ceremony of a close family member or friend? What do we tell our children? The catechism does not address gay marriage. Yes we must treat gay people with dignity and respect, but what about their union? These are difficult times and issues we never had to face growing up.
Frank - 06/28/2015 01:18 PM
Archbishop Wenski, what does the decision mean, if two men or two women approach a parish and ask to be married? I worry this will happen, and on saying no to the request, what will be the legal outcome to the Church?
Jos� Juara - 06/28/2015 05:31 AM
Thank you Archbishop Wenski. We will need to redouble our efforts to educate the youth on the true meaning of marriage and pray to God that our society regains an understanding of the basic family unit. I pray for our Church and our Bishops, Priests and religious as you carry out our Savior's message. I pray that the authorities will leave us in peace to practice our first amendment right to Freeedom of Religion. And if that is not the case, that God grant our Church (religious and laity) the courage to stand up for our right to religious liberty. God Bless us all.
Shaune Scott - 06/27/2015 08:15 PM
Thank you, Archbishop Wenski. We all must pray for each other and prepare ourselves for the attacks that are coming. Now is the time for heroic Catholicism.
Hector - 06/27/2015 07:29 PM
Thank you Your Excellency. I join your statement in prayer for the Church, for our nation, and for the harsh realities our sons and daughters will face.
Patty Bennett - 06/27/2015 01:14 PM
Thank you, Archbishop Wenski, Your statement was the clearest I've seen so far. God Bless you. We will pray for you, and we will continue to pray for our nation that is collapsing before us.

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